Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Introducing my new bunch of awesome ppl!

You know, I'm always very blessed to have so many rawrsome people around me.
Thank God for giving my this kinda blessing, although I don't have a very perfect family, but I've too many, yes too many awesome friends!

Different bunch of them have different place in my heart; but each and everyone of them are certainly as important to me. If you followed my blog, you would know I have a couple of besties, these girls are the one who has been supporting me throughout the years, no I don't meet them everyday but the bound between our heart has a very tied knot and no one is gonna remove that knot between us;

followed by my painful yet cheerful's brothers & sisters.
They were ALL my pillar of supports, they were the one that supported me when I was at my darkest moment. This bunch of brothers & sisters made me stand on the ground and got over my horrible past. We used to spend time everyday and nights, party all night long, cry on each other's shoulders too. Although distances had made us far apart, but they are still in my heart, always.

Last year end, I was with my bunch of guy friends - the daily dosage of love. No other bunch could beat them in my heart as they were as crazy as ever. We spend everyday together without fail. Sadly to say, they don't exist anymore. I know everyone walked separate ways but, they are all still exist in my heart. Every actions, every words, I do remember. Perhaps they just don't anymore.

Recently, I've been mixing with these bunch of people.
They're so hilarious, they made me laugh, make me smile, make me present my lamest moments infront of them. No I don't see them often, no I can't say that I'm their best friends but I've already treat them as one of my important bunch peoples :)

All of them has their own personalities that made me realized sometimes just a simple conversation will make everything better. Why bother making things complicated?

I would give up everything, but not my friends.
Of cause, my old bunch of high school friends, even bloggers...
We might not be very close but they are certainly people that I will never forget until the day I lose my last breath.

I love all my friends, and that's all I need.

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