I've actually drafted this post since 2 months ago T__T
Finally blogging about my favourite cafe!!
Influenced by my #annoyingbff, as long as I'm fetching her then I'll be having a cup of flatwhite early in the morning. Nope not complaining :)
Banana Ricotta Cheese and French Toast!!!
This is SOOOOO good and the price is reasonable too!!
I actually visited Touslesjours Bukit Bintang with my two lovelies before Tiff went back to her kangaroo land T_T
Acting all touristy.
We actually parked our car at the hotel next to the building, and decided to walk over under the scotching sun! (nooo, no seriously)
Totally loving the interior especially the high ceiling
... and the varieties of fresh bakeries!
This place is constantly packed and there's no doubt to that because the food is really good and the price is reasonable lah.
hahaha I don't remember which waiter helped us with this picture already.
Not enough... Let's take a picture with the bread stations!
Ok let's see which bread is the best.... hahaha!
We sat at the second floor and the backdrop looks like some kind harry potter library or something.
Eggs Benedict RM9.90
Very worth it can. please go try yourself okayyyy
flatwhite is the bomb.
Ok because this RM9.90 breakfast worth another picture on my blog :)
Just chilling at the table, not!
We were literally taking pictures everywhere hahhaaha why are we so jakun!
// because we don't get to see each other that often anymore.
Tiff is always at her aussieland hence this girly outing is such a sweet one for all of us.
Just eat, chat, taking loads of pictures - thats what we do best :)

Signing off with a typical asian pose beside a very beautiful windom,
till then!