The day before yesterday when we're at Taipan Macd eating Mcflurry Oreo Mudpie along with Jia Shin. :D
-Where's the love & promises you gave me?
-Feelings had faded?
Haha, I don't need you anymore.
I know I've someone better,
Days are pretty hectic for me nowadays.
Thank God I've back to my study mood. :)
Just a month -
Less outing, will you? UHUH.
Well, The day before yesterday I went to ss2 for pasar malam & had a few yumcha session along with Jeff & Manda.
I met up with Won & her boyf at Yipee cup :)
Its been a while since we really talk.
Thank God nothing had change between us, I'm still that happy-go-lucky-adele!
Don't worry bout me alright?
I'm always fine, forever fine. *smiles*
Study hard ahh!
& then -
Nen Lin was calling me from Sun Hin Loong(haha) -
Jacky, Joanna & Bryan came along too.
The whole gang was there including John, Ming Yu(sorry lah i still prefer calling you mingyu than Daniel! :D), Seh Zun, Jeffrey.
Had fun talking(more like gossiping) with them :)
Nen Lin was calling me from Sun Hin Loong(haha) -
Jacky, Joanna & Bryan came along too.
The whole gang was there including John, Ming Yu(sorry lah i still prefer calling you mingyu than Daniel! :D), Seh Zun, Jeffrey.
Had fun talking(more like gossiping) with them :)
Went to KLIA after that with Jeff & his dad & of cause manda :)
Haha, Chun Lam was tricked! (He thought manda is leaving M'sia!)
& Yesterday I went to Pyramid with Jeff & Tzia along for Sushi's.
Headed to Jia Shin's place around 7pm.
Ate our dinner at some mamak along with Bradly & then he dropped us at Tiff's place!
I miss you girls so much!!
Mwahaha ♥
Awww, We cant wait after SPM! :D
Went to the field outside Sher's house to chill.
Then suddenly Ming Yu called me.
Asked me out to yumcha.
So yeah, they came to Tiff's house & picked me up & we headed to ss2 Island Cafe.
Haha, Don't worry I'll ask the REASON for you!
Left Island Cafe & then headed to Melisa's house!
I think its about 1+am already.
After talking to her, Jeff & I left for a little snacks at Station One.
We decided to go Genting -______________- (ya right 2+am in the morning omg)
I pun takut! HAHAH WTH LOL BBQ!!
I guess I finally know what I really want.
Friday is my Graduation Day-
Bye Form 5,
Bye secondary school.
I still miss you, Catholic High School.
Bye Form 5,
Bye secondary school.
I still miss you, Catholic High School.
Let me taste your lips,
just for once.
just for once.