Going to the beach always makes me create some emotional metaphor but yeah,
who doens't love the beach and sea breeze? You tell me.

+ umbrella + the colorful win thingy, which I don't remember what does it called already -__-

I love the cheerful side of myself, yah right who doesn't.
Aite, just cut the crap out.
It was last week when I followed them Team Supreme for an outing @ Sepang Gold Coast. It was so last minute and I was in a total rush as I was having an interview before, that explains the make ups. Yeah I know right, make-ups & beach. -____- OUT CAST!
Anyway, I remember the last time I went was with my Daily Dosage of Love.
Ahhhh wells. :(

Its more like a double date thingy just that they are like.. more than 5 couples woi.
So lovey-dovey. Awwwww!

2) The bunch enjoying themselves!
3) Refer to statement #2.

when weiwei was busy snapping her way off until the DSLR died on her before dinner time.
Okay & this was the part where everyone(more like the girls only) started to do the whole jump shot thingy.

Sorry lah I don't know which is which cause I was too concentrating on jumping LOL
But obviously, this shot FAILED BADLY.

Not because we can't jump properly, but the camera man! Haha ;)
We basically jumped so many times until we lost count. DAMN "TERRER" CAN.

Want their names? TEEHEE too bad all unavailable LOL.
Vanessa, Crystal, Munmun, Chacha, Weiwei, yours truly & Fiona!

Headed to Chacha's grandpa's place to chill as some of them wanted to change & shower.
& look at what the guys did. LMAO.
& look at what the guys did. LMAO.

Cehwah, damn gaya right ;)
Headed to this seafood restaurant that Chacha introduced!
The food was scrumptious, seriously.
The food was scrumptious, seriously.
Overall, it was a super fun trip!
The beach, the sea breeze, the food & of cause the people! ;)