I'm always with you.
Cheer up, nothing is impossible :)
You drew me out from the deepest sea,
You gave my soul a song to sing.
No more hunting wild,
I'm yours for life.
Jesus, You reigns.
You gave my soul a song to sing.
No more hunting wild,
I'm yours for life.
Jesus, You reigns.
Before I start,
I just want to shout-out-loud:
& also the pink Jay Chou bag! omg omg.
4 piece of Jay Chou's poster & 1 piece of his BANNER! Aww~
4 piece of Jay Chou's poster & 1 piece of his BANNER! Aww~
I'm in love. RAWRR!
Don't envy me. Ahah!
I'm sorry for my late updates.
I've been busying with tuitions, extra classes, dental appointment & dad don't really allowed me to use to com so often anymore. :(
I'll still update my blog, oftenly.
I went Macd with Tzia on Tuesday afternoon to study.
I think it works on me.
I know I cant study at home, so I better do it somewhere else.
I'm sorry for my late updates.
I've been busying with tuitions, extra classes, dental appointment & dad don't really allowed me to use to com so often anymore. :(
I'll still update my blog, oftenly.
I went Macd with Tzia on Tuesday afternoon to study.
I think it works on me.
I know I cant study at home, so I better do it somewhere else.
Wednesday was the typical tuition-day.
Nothing much to elaborate.
Stayed back for chinese class as well.
I went to Pyramid on Thursday after school to collect my CD's from Eugene.
Of cause I dropped by at YB.
It was a blast.
City Harvest is a really BIG CHURCH filled with youth.
I can feel the power & fire of each everyone of them.
Praise The Lord!
The worship was amazing!
I felt the presence of God, I know he's there with us.
I felt so released.
Thank God that brought me there, & drew me nearer to him.
City Harvest is a really BIG CHURCH filled with youth.
I can feel the power & fire of each everyone of them.
Praise The Lord!
The worship was amazing!
I felt the presence of God, I know he's there with us.
I felt so released.
Thank God that brought me there, & drew me nearer to him.
I went on Friday with Zhen & Fibiee.
Zhen felt touched during the service.
She felt God presence.
The performance was really great.
Like what I said,
the community of the church is real big.
They had so many kind of church event & competition.
Its really awesome! :)
Yea we manage to shake hands with Liu Geng Hong & talk to Miss Vivi.
She's very friendly.
She even asked me,
"Ni Ming Tian You Lai Ma?"
(are you coming tomorrow?)
(are you coming tomorrow?)
Aww, how sweet. :)
Lol my church member was there too but I did't know.
Saturday, is a very tiring day.
I woke up 7am in the morning because we have to perform in Catholic's Interact Installation.
Yes us, the Juicy's.
So we reached there by 8am.
I woke up 7am in the morning because we have to perform in Catholic's Interact Installation.
Yes us, the Juicy's.
So we reached there by 8am.
Straight afer the performance,
Hui Bin picked me up & we went KL for myJAYsian's 4th gathering.
(myJAYsian is my Jay Chou fan club)
We are the earliest.
I camwhored a lot. Paiseh.
Out of few hundred members, only those old ones turned up.
But I'm so happy because this time we actually joined their talks as well!
(unlike the macd session -____-)
Thanks Devonn & Dionn for the posters & lucky draw session! :)
I've 4 piece of posters & a banner!
Mil got us 2 present from Mr.J restaurant at Taiwan.
I did't get that :(
Nvm, there's always next time. heh.
Hui Bin & I left around 6pm because I had to rushed back to Sunway for the Emerge.
Had a bad time taking public transport.
I went to Barcelona for Merdeka countdown.
Its too HOT, PACK.
I don't wanna go at first, but no choice lah kawan semua pergi. :(
Same thing, bumped into heaps of friends.
Jia Shin msged me & asked whether I'm celebrating countdown because she just came back from Penang but don't know wanna go countdown or not.
Should join me mah!
I cropped my face.
Barcelona were closed at 4am yesterday.
But we went off around 1.30am due to the horrible crowd.